About RIC

I Damodar reddy was born in India in a strong Hindu reddy family (According to the caste system reddy is a one of high caste in India) and it is too difficult for a person coming from this background to know the Living God Jesus Christ, And By the Grace of God I got an opportunity to work in Saudi Arabia and I happen to meet couple of Christians who were travelling to Israel and came back.

These People they motivated me a lot about Jesus Christ and As I was interacting with them I had a desire to visit Jerusalem the birth place of Jesus Christ , and one of the day I was watching the BBC News on Christmas Day.

I saw Many People coming visiting the Birth Place of Jesus Christ and suddenly I felt Power of God coming upon me and Immediately tears came out and I realized I was a changed person and then lord made me go to a far off place in the same country where a Group of Christians started a church In their houses as Home group, And according to god's plan they met me and invited me to their home group.

And it was all new to me as I do not know anything in the scriptures like Genesis, Mathew and revelation, it's because I was still a Hindu follower, and after spending time with these people for 20 days I gave my heart to Lord Jesus Christ and Accepted him as the lord and Savior of my life got Baptized and received Holy spirit. John 8:12.